MLG Watch Page

The MLG Watch Page is the central hub for all content. In the redesign process the idea was to give the user the fastest path to viewing, as well as to visually update the site to better fit with best in class viewing experiences. The fastest path for us was to remove the video experience as a destination and allow the video to be instantiated immediately anywhere the user chooses as an overlay.

Design philosophy:

Getting eyeballs on video is at the forefront of design. Simple design that showcases the content is key. Allow for subtle design cues that let you know we appreciate the fans. We live in a Blizzard world, let us show it to you.

Design Considerations:

  • Most important is playing video, live and non-live, show them what they’re interested in, show them related content and stuff they didn’t even know about.
  • Reduce friction of content discovery, remove long scroll blog style format (infinite scroll) for a more traditional vod / svod style layout.
  • Give levers to the hardcore fans the ability to filter so they can get to exactly what they want.
  • Video playing should be instantaneous, let users dive right in.
  • Remove unnecessary UI to allow users to simply watch, while still giving them the triggers to pull should they want to enhance their experience with accompanying product features.

Mobile Web Screens

Web Screens

For major design flows, you can also view the Figma project here

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