MLG Hackathon Winner

This project was part of the company wide hackathon, wherein designers, engineers and product managers where put into groups with a concept. Our team was designated to the Integrated Video & Multi Device concept. Previously to the event, I had been tooling around with a redesign of the MLG home page. When we met as a team I presented these designs to our team and we then discussed how we could better integrate video into the service. What we came up with is this design comp with included a companion mobile app in which you could control the whole service vis the mobile app.

This concept included the idea to reduce the friction to get our users immediately into the video playback experience. When we discovered how the videos were inserted into the current pages, we then knew that we could add the videos as rows separated by tags associated to a game. The reception of this project went so well that it eventually led to a complete redesign of the whole service.

Web Screens

For major design flows, you can also view the Figma project here

Current Home page at the time

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