Blizzard Entertainment
Senior Product Designer for the Media Network and Platform Team. This team is responsible for Major League Gaming (MLG) and GameBattles. MLG is an esports streaming service that focused on streaming live events for CDL (Call of Duty League), OWL (Overwatch League) and many others. GameBattles, a video game competition platform that features in game integration with Call of Duty. Players can compete for cash prizes as well as the recognition to be a top player on the platform.
At Blizzard, I was an integral part of the redesign of several of their esports products. Having won a company wide hackathon that rethought the way that our users consumed video on Major League Gaming, it lead to a complete redesign of the service based off my vision. Furthermore, I researched and set up my team’s design system so that our team would deliver a consistent design experience across all touch points.

As a Product Designer for Fullscreen we worked on their SVOD service. This subscription video service was generally targeting a younger demographic and had many of YouTube’s influencers providing exclusive shows for the service. At my time there the service was acquired by AT&T which brought Fullscreen to a wider audience.
At Fullscreen, I worked on the AT&T marking promotion which gave all AT&T users a free year of the Fullscreen video service. This is project helped bring Fullscreen’s user based to near 1.2 million users. I also redesigned the browse page on all platforms. Browse was the primary landing page to view all of the video content. Another notable feature I was a part of is the Fullscreen Watch Party feature. Watch Party allowed users to invite, watch and chat together virtually during a show to increase engagement and build community around content.
Various Agencies
Throughout my time at various agencies, I wore many different hats. These are just a few of the projects that I have done during my time doing agency work. These projects consist of Front-End Development, Motion graphics, UI and UX.
As an agency employee, I had to be able to switch from one project to the next and turn out pixel perfect designs and most of the time then build the front end for the projects as well. This core foundation in front end development has always been a great tool in my repertoire. It was allowed me to be able to design within current tech limitations as bridge the gap between design and my engineering partners.